Health and Wellness Services
Bringing the highest level of services to our clients, staff and guests has always been number one here at CFS. Being able to offer our athletes and their spectators the luxury of onsite health services brings us to a whole other level as a sports complex. Not only do our instructors benefit from these services, but now spectators can also have some pampering while the athletes train. It is multi-tasking at its best!
Pro Function Sports Injuries Clinic is located off the main field of Centrefield Sports.
We encourage your teams and their families to check out these services. We know that being highly involved in a sport can leave little time for much else and know that these services offer a convenience for your athletes and their families. All of the health care practitioners are registered health care practitioners and qualify for coverage in your extended health care plans.
Click on the links below for further information on the services available right here at Centrefield Sports Complex.
Chiropractic / Physiotherapy / Massage

Clinic Owner
Dr. Nicole Thornicroft
Certified Medical Acuptuncure
Certified Graston Technique
Certified Functional Movement